YDP- Evaluation meeting with steering committee..

YDP- Evaluation meeting with steering committee..

On Sunday 13th of September an event was conducted, which is very important in the history of YDP.  It is organised in “Maria” outdoor center. The young people from the Steering Committee of YDP met to set up a new and fruitful plan to be an active source of social change.


After an evaluating session of the past events handled by YDP during the year, conducted an analysis about the strengths and the weaknesses, . As part of our last 6 month activity evaluation, we find out that there were 14 activities conducted by YDP Bangalore chapter from March to September 2015.

Volunteer-India-YDPA new tree of YDP was born during this meeting, starting from the roots, that make us stronger, we are now nourishing the trunk with new projects and ideas for a sustainable future. The leaves and the fruits of this tree will be spread out in the local community to bring a change about many social issues that are bothering us.During the year we will be working on four different projects, with the duration of three months each, dealing with the improvement of educational and environmental situation and strengthening the local community through active citizenry.

During this event, we had a blind lunch experimenting the difficulty of being needed, but at the same time, the pleasure of tasting and smelling our food in a different way as blind folded. The people who were not blind were helping and supporting the others in reaching and having the food. It was really a fun.Volunteer-India-YDP

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