Sustainable Agriculture work camp at Shetrakatte

Sustainable Agriculture work camp at Shetrakatte

This workcamp took place in Kundapur from 1st to 13th of June 2015 and we developed the activities to focusing on SAP-K related  are as follows:

– Hands-on experience on sustainable agriculture techniques, such as maintenance of trenches for water harvesting, compost tank activities, weeding of vegetable garden.

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– Observed Word Environment Day in Green Valley school at Shiroor, had presentation about the environment, water cycle, climate change and tips to reduce, recycle and reuse waste and plantation at school and also had plantation in FSL-India Training Centre.

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– Visited to an organic farm at Batrahadi (Neralkatte), which is located near our training center, where the volunteer understood about how organic farming is carried out, without using chemicals, use of bio gas, practicing sustainable way of working and living and environmentally friendly tools and practices.


The volunteer had an good opportunity to learn and experience sustainable agriculture methods in and out of our training centre in Kundapur, India. In camp  1 volunteer Ms. Julene Saornil from Spain and SAP-K volunteers Mr. David, Ms. Laura and staffs Ms. Marta, Mr. Jeevna, Mr. Bala, Ms. Manjula and Media PR volunteer Mr. Gorge  were participated.



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