Pondicherry workcamp- December

Pondicherry workcamp- December

During the month of December 2014, two of our work camp team leaders; Rajesh and Arkesh, led an organic farming and environment themed work camp in Pondicherry. Attending this work camp were three volunteers from two different countries; the French and Germany.

Farming work- (9) Oreintation & Indian welcome (4)

The work camp participants collaborated with the Shristi foundation in a mushroom cultivation activity during which the volunteers learned about  the process of vermicompost and Indian method of farming. In working with the local community, the two sides shared and exchanged their cultural practices and values. During the camp the volunteers along with team leaders celebrated international volunteers day by involving the local school children in cleaning activities.

Rooftap cleaning work (1)phermaculture kitchen garden- seeding work (4)Oreintation & Indian welcome (1)

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