Kusaka’s Experience at Sneha Care Home
FSL-India has placed Miss Kusaka Miyako from Japan at Sneha Care Home. The Sneha Care Home primarily focuses on empowering and educating the HIV/AIDS infected children and the children who are orphans children with single parent. The project is running a home for the children. The children are within the age group of 4 to 12 years. As per the children’s ability the Sneha Care Home provides education to the children only those who are infected with HIV/AIDS. In the same premises Snehasaddan – heath care centre caters to health care needs of the children and adults infected with HIV/AIDS. Kusaka teaches English, crafts and games to the children. Occasionally she provides counselling. She is very committed and for her selfless care and support, children like her very much. She is very friendly children. Language has never been a barrier for her from interacting with children and other project staff. All staff of Sneha Care Home also appreciates her work.
Stephen Shankar
LTV Coordinator, Bangalore Zone