Little artists around Kundapur

Little artists around Kundapur

In the last two weeks the Sea Turtle Conservation Team conducted drawing competitions in three different schools (Kanchogodu, Maravanthe, Kodikanyana) with turtle related topics. Students from 5th to 7th Standard took part and created very nice drawings. Every standard got its own topic with rising levels of difficulty to higher standards. The students from the 5th Std were asked to draw a single sea turtle,  the 6th Std. to draw the foodchain of the sea sea turtle and finally the threats to sea turtles was the topic for the 7th Std.


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The Information about these topics were given to the students by the STC-Team in school sessions, which were held before. The students had one to two hours of time and painted with great effort during this time. The results were really impressive colourful little masterpieces and they showed that the students understood the topics related to the sea turtles. In this days the STC-Team will observe all the paintings and will choose the best of eachstandard and school to give prices to the winners


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