Volunteers Voice on SAP-K Project-Oct 2016

Volunteers Voice on SAP-K Project-Oct 2016

In the first week of this month we worked together with a lot of Work camp  Volunteers from Spain, Italy, Finland, Denmark.



We all painted some rooms in a school nearby. At the following weekend.. the Big Dasara festival took place in Mysore, were all the Volunteers came together to enjoy. In the following two weeks the Winter holidays started. Because of that the Training Center invited kids from the community to join a camp with fun activities.



In addition to that all the volunteers who work as teachers were joining the SAP-K project. It’s amazing how much faster you  can work when you are 20 people instead of 5.



One the one hand it was fun to work with all the friends, one the other hand it was exhausting because we had to explain a lot of things! We maintained a lot of plants, filtered compost, prepared the medicinal garden and had a community visit with the objective to get the locals to use plastics. Now the month is ending, and we are looking forward to enjoy Dewali, the biggest festivals for Hindus!

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