Volunteer Voice!
I work together with another german girl as a volunteer in a primary school in Moodugiliyaru. We both live and work here for nine months. We are living in a hostfamily and on the weekends we try to see more of this beautiful country. In our school there are kids from age 5 to 12 and we try our best to improve their english skills a little bit. The workday is from 9am to 4pm and we have a lunchbreak in school, where you can either eat the food from school or the hostfamily can provide you a lunchbox. The teachers gave us a timetable so we have some structure in our day.

In the own work with the children and in the English lessons we can be total free and creative. We sing a lot of songs together or practice some rhymes and beside that we play games and of course teach English. The kids are really cute and the everyday question „Mam, which breakfast?“, doesn’t get boring. All in all its a small school, but a really good one. The teachers are so kind to us and welcomed us heartfully, so I feel really comfortable spending time in school. Furthermore I have to say that we are not only „teachers“, we are students too. Once a week one of the teachers give us a Kannada-lesson, so we are trying our best to learn some words in Kannada to be able to communicate with them in their mother-tongue.
The life in a hostfamily is a great experience and you get to learn more about the Indian culture. My hostmother is cooking really good food and I enjoy spending time with the family and in our small village here. All the people around us try their best to improve our time in India.
The other German volunteers live not far away from us, so we often meet them after school. We go out for typical Indian food, mango-lassis or some fresh juices, On the weekends or in our free time we travel together to see more of this big country.
By Mona Wiessmann (Long Term Volunteer, EG-FSL)