The rain forest- Agumbe camp!

The rain forest- Agumbe camp!

For the first time FSL-India conducted work camp in Agumbe rain forest.


The Agumbe forest is in the Westernthe-rain-forest-agumbe-camp-3 Ghats of Karnataka which is internationally recognized as the world’s eight hotspot of bio-diversity and it receives the second highest annual rainfall in the country. The camp was implemented with the coordination of  Agumbe Rain Forest Research Station (ARRS).
The camp conducted from 1st to 5th August at Agumbe to focus on conserving biodiversity of the Agumbe rain forest. During camp ARRS conducted presentation and showed video about flora & fauna of rain forest, took us a walk a forest. Planted 140 plants and exciting thing was walk at the night even though it was scary but work camp team was excited to explore the nature at night by walk, it was great to get to know more about specialties and uniqueness of the flora & fauna.the-rain-forest-agumbe-camp-4

the-rain-forest-agumbe-camp-1Later from 5th to 12th August at Kundapur. This work camp helped volunteers to learn about Yoga, Indian school system, environmental education, Indian family and culture. During camp the volunteers renovated trenches, planted trees, visited organicfarm, Henna culture, visited Local NGO’s, completed education drawing at school, conducted session at Mavinkatte school about deforestation. The volunteers  enjoyed the workcamp.

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