Self-help Groups of Gangolli Participate in Sea-Turtle Conservation
It has been always an endeavour of FSL-India to ensure community participation in Sea-Turtle Conservation Program. In this move, on 1st September 2012, Gangolli Percin Fisher-folk Self-Help Group (SHG) held meeting at Gangolli harbor. On behalf of FSL-India and Sea-Turtle Conservation Project Team, Mr. Manjunath participated in the meeting.
As per the schedule discussion started and Mr. Shekar Chathar Beta, President of the SHG presided over the meeting and led the members to a lively discussion on issues and challenges of Sea-Turtle Conservation. Rehabilitation and release of trapped Turtles, fixing Sea-Turtle Permanent Information Board at the main road and building rapport with local community and government stakeholders to take a part in sea-turtle conservations were the major discussion points. It was found that the members of SHG are quite active and ready to extend all possible efforts for Sea-Turtle Conservation Project. Linkage with Gangolli Percin Fisher-folk Self-Help Group would certainly make a far-reaching contribution for effective planning and implementation of Sea-Turtle Conservation and promote oceanic eco-system.