“Dear friends, we have a new intern Vanessa from Mexico who joined us in mid-August. She will be a Team Leader for Work camps and will be with us for a year. We welcome her to the FSL family.”
Hello guys….here is a little about Me : )
i am Vanessa Maciel Napoles from Ocotlan ,JAlisco Mexico worlds capital lol lol lol… 28 years old i have a brother (Baldo) 3 nieces (Kassandra,Pame,Alexita) and a nephew (Fabricio) my sister in law (Laura) my dear and loved mother (Mary) is one of my reazons in life she always shown as her way her love and support to us and to do what we bealive in it, and my father (Alvaro) a very adventured man who will never change of being as it is. and the love of my life (Anibal) these are my family members ando also my angels called my friends……. thanks to all of them because they allways show the support and love that every living people needs to follow our dreams and mines is coming true…, learning,helping and giving a litlle from me to INDIA.
for the past almost 4 years i was working at IBM as a Logistic Analist where i learned a lot from my work colleagues and also my team leaders and managers i had there, but something was missing in my life a little part from me was not complete so the first that i did was to remember dreaming because sometimes we forgot to doit because we think these things will never happend, and believed me IT HAPPENS so i remember mi biggest dream of helping others doing a diffrence in life so i was going to chiapas with an ONG at October but during the time these NATATE ONG send some convocatories to go and been a volunteer at other countries Grece,FRance,Shout Corea ,India,,,,,yesss Indiaaaa , so i try , fill up the forms and compete with others to have that single place only one place was free, with economy help and host family, food and all you might need to live at India for one year.
my dream had no time of living so one year for me is a lot a time but feel very blessed because in the less moment that i spected to happend these opportunitie comes true……i quit mi job sell my car and also with not good comments about mi idea i reallice evrething to make it happend so here i am thanks to Nico from NATATE he choose me to come thanks to FSL because is more then i spect from theme the people is the nicest and kindes ones, is a good ONG because all i have seen at the time is well organizated,is a non proffit ORG and opend minded people to welocome anyone who has the interest to come and share a little help .
there are so many people to thank for these big experience but the principal and first one is GOD he will put things together to get to yout dream belive me just need to ask for and at the time he think is the better he will arrange evrething to reallice yourselves…..please dont stop thinking thath dreams dont came true… HAPPENS !!!!!!!! now i live at India and my first work camps starts at the end of the month at Dalai’s Lama city.