Play is Serious Learning – FSL-India’s Youth Development Program (YDP)

Play is Serious Learning – FSL-India’s Youth Development Program (YDP)

“In Play, we create stories about their experiences and shape our identities.” – Anonymous

Play contributes to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well-being of the youth. It creates opportunities to explore and conquer fears; increases their willingness to take risks and challenges and accept uncertainty with open arms and increases their engagement with the world around them.

Play sharpens senses; helps develop confidence and resilience, empathy and relationships, enables to build connections with everything around, take decisions and nurtures leadership qualities. The youth are alive, awake and enthusiastic to life and themselves. As, rightly said, Play builds a free and easy, try it out, do it yourself character, that their future needs (Anon.).

Play Planet is the first step towards Self Actualization in FSL-India’s Youth Development Project. Our YDP believes in the power of non-competitive, inclusive games and activities to bring the youth closer to each other and most importantly, themselves. It uses the power of Play to create a sense of belonging amongst the group and also sense of ownership and responsibility in oneself.

While having fun, the youth will explore and experiment with different facets of themselves and the group. Through these games and activities, the youth will evolve to be more spirited and learn more actively through sensory awareness and intelligence. Their self-confidence, self-image, empathy, resilience and other important aspects of their personality will transpire through play.

Eventually, these empowered youth will start taking up projects and initiatives in and around their schools and neighbourhood to tackle issues and overcome challenges which will enable better ambience and inter-relationships in the community, and the neighbourhood will provide a platform to exercise and enhance their personalities.

The intention of FSL-India’s Play Planet is Self-Actualization, which is cultivated in the youth between age groups 13-15 years. Our Play Planet encourages all the youth to participate, play, have fun and learn from each other and simultaneously grow with each other.

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