Oceans Flora and Fauna Event-Kundapur

Oceans Flora and Fauna Event-Kundapur

As every year, Flora and Fauna Club- Kundapur invited us for the annual meet-up of eco-clubs. These clubs are groups of high-school children who often meet at school to talk and work on environment-related topics.


Every year this Flora and Fauna event has a different topic. For instance, while last year’s topic was ‘Birds’, this year was ‘Oceans’.

First of all, we talked about FSL India and our commitment towards environmental protection, specifically, of sea turtles with our Sea Turtle conservation project. Then, our volunteers conveyed a brief presentation about water pollution and ocean conservation where they explained about the harm caused by humans to Sea Turtles as well as their importance regarding ocean and eco-system conservation.



As we think not everything comes down to talking and listening, we performed a nice role-play/ puppet show to explain clearly about the life of sea turtles nowadays. We finished with a catchy song about this topic. Before leaving the stage, we made a quiz to see if children had understood our message and we are happy to say they did indeed!


We are happy to have been part of this event and we highly encourage every school and high school to boost their eco-clubs and meet, at least, once in a month. Children can learn so much though playing games and activities talking about the environment!

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