New Intern at FSL Office in Bangalore – Ana Silveyra
Dear readers – My name is Ana Silveyra, I am from Mexico and I am happy to say I joined FSL India as an intern staff at its head office in Bangalore on July 8th.
I am a Journalism graduate from Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City and I’m starting a one year internship with FSL. Before coming here, I was volunteering in Mexico City in different organizations, working with the elderly, giving classes to children in poor communities, house building projects and doing work camps in the Mexican jungle.
My work in FSL will be to encourage volunteering amongst the Indian youth either for local projects or out bound camps in foreign countries like: Mexico, France, Denmark, etc.
For me, volunteering is an incredible way to learn, teach and exchange ideas and life perspectives. It has broadened my life and made me much more knowledgeable and aware of the human condition. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with the local Indian youth and get them excited about volunteering.
Working with FSL will help me learn how an NGO functions since I would one day like to create one in Mexico and promote culture, justice and social empowerment. I am deeply thankful to FSL for allowing me to learn from them and to experience India in such a special way: by truly living with the people, talking to them and seeing life as it is lived. Also I would like to thank Natate, the Mexican organization through which I contacted FSL. Thank you for making this possible.
I am sure this experience will change my life and give me tools for my further entrepreneurs and my personal life.