LTVs Orientation at Kundapur

LTVs Orientation at Kundapur

In March 2017, FSL-India, Kundapur hosted 2 long term volunteers (LTVs) from France and Germany at our Youth Training Centre, Kundapur.

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The volunteers participated in different practical, theoretical and outdoor sessions for their successful journey in India. The volunteers actively took part in each session. The FSL facilitators took extra care in organizing this orientation week, in which some sessions included conflict management, roles and responsibilities, Hindu philosophy, culture and Indian life style, as well as project introduction and preparation with the coordinator. Every evening, different events were organised for the exchange of inter-cultural learning. FSL-India also organized some cultural activities in the volunteers’ free time like henna application and a Kundapur tour etc.

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All the Kundapur FSL-India staff considers this orientation to be a success as we received positive feedback from the volunteers. Everything worked well and we are really satisfied with our work and the results that we achieved.

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  • Little group, familiar, great to have the opportunity to chat with other volunteers. Already staged for some months.

  • Good, interesting.

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