Long-term Trainings

Long-term Trainings

      The YDP believes that significant learning takes place outside of the classroom, and that learning by doing is the best way towards growth and development. We will be running two large-scale and long-term training programmes starting in the coming months. Following is some useful information for those interested.


Community Development Project Management Training

      Sarakki Lake, one of the largest lakes in South Bangalore, is an important lake that is fast deteriorating due to unplanned urbanization, encroachments, littering and carelessness. Because of this, the lake has completely changed for the worse, and its condition is worsening every day. SLAIT, the Sarakki Lake Area Improvement Trust, are working towards reviving and saving the lake, and restoring it back to the way it used to be.

      The YDP will be running a project management training on this topic in which participants will learn to organise and implement community development projects and their learnings will be applied to the Sarakki Lake Revival project. We will be collaborating with the Sarakki Lake Area Improvement Trust in running this training.

      We are currently in the process of developing this training. The modules and topics will cover the project management cycle, the process of diagnosis, planning and creating a logical framework, fundraising techniques, how to write a development project proposal, monitoring and evaluation, and much more. The skills and knowledge gained from this training will equip participants with the ability and confidence to start and run a development project on their own. 

For more information or questions, email fslydp@gmail.com.


Training for Trainers

      For those interested in non-formal education, alternative education, experiential learning and training, the YDP will be launching a long-term training-for-trainers programme in which participants will be able to learn and develop training skills.

      Participants will receive technical, theoretical and non-formal training-for-trainers, will get involved in specific training projects and will learn to train on ten different topics. In addition, they will specialise on a few specific topics to train on.

For more information or questions, email fslydp@gmail.com

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