I realised the problem is small, but the effect is huge, thanks to FSL India’s 100th Monkey programme – Rajeshwari, 9th Std, Siddivinayaka School, Karki
Until the 10th session, I have been having fun in FSL India’s 100th monkey sessions.
As I am staying at a residential school, I have all the facilities here. I had to challenge myself, if there is a problem I have to check it once again.
For the 12th session, thanks to the facilitator, I became a Group leader, so it was a little complicated for me to lead the group with problem solving.
So I realised that near our dining hall, there was a leakage in one pipe, so I checked that with my own bucket. I kept the bucket near the pipe leakage place and after 3 hours, the bucket was full, so I calculated myself how much the water leakage is.
So finally, I counted in 1 day, 140 litres of water. I was shocked – monthly 4200 litres of water leakage. So, this 100th monkey session opened my eyes. I decided with my group to solve this problem within 2 weeks. Wait and see how we achieve this!