Health & Hygiene Session at Training Centre

Health & Hygiene Session at Training Centre

It is so great to let you know that this month of February, 41 boys from 9th standard- Mookambika High School, Mavinakatte, have attended the sessions FSL organises monthly in collaboration with KMC Manipal. DSC00433 lowIn the session, the boys have been really participative while talking about such interesting topics as stress and time management, physical and psychological health and hygiene, social pressure and support and prevention of suicide.

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The boys have engaged from 10 am to 4 pm in the sessions and different dynamics and enjoyed delicious lunch in our Training Center.Two male teachers accompanied them during all the session.

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During the feedback the explained all the new knowledge they gained today, how they felt and how they will implement within themselves and share with others everything they learned today.

We cannot forget, for another month, to congratulate Maria Cruz Marin Saez for the sponsorship of this sessions.

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