Happy volunteers day!!

Happy volunteers day!!

On 5th December, We FSL-India and all Long term volunteers from Bangalore have celebrated the International volunteers day at The association for the Mentally challenged Children in Bangalore. Our team has done small renovation activities like wall painting, cleaning the ground and making Kitchen garden..


Some have flowers in their hands

some have bricks and some hold people

Some throw bricks and some make walls

well, we build bridges.

Some buy lands to grow their business

some mark lands and grow new borders

well, we grow trees and we throw flowers to the armies.

Liberate seeds from chains of money and power and hunger

And some hold people to control them

some hold people not to hurt them;

them is us and we hold hands of one another.

Arm in arm, eye in eye

to grow our lands together

to feel our beats together

To make friends beyond differences

because of the differences and this for us is building peace.


Happy volunteers day!!


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