Final evaluation- SH14, AFS

Final evaluation- SH14, AFS

Final evaluation was held on 3rd and 4th March 2015 for AFS SH14 batch FSL India Head office, Bangalore. BMZ/IJFD participants were – Marie-Christin, Joana Cristina , Tom Michael, Anne Sophia , Jana, Benedict, Lucia Marie and evaluation was facilitated by six coordinator from LTV team.


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Objective of the Final Evaluation to provide platform to express volunteer’s Learnings and evaluate their contribution to the projects/ HF and to evaluate performance of FSL India to find ways to improve the quality. Final evaluation focused on the aspects of the preparatory seminar/ pre-departure training in Germany, feedback on the on-arrival orientation facilitated by FSL-India,  challenges faced by the volunteers and the rewards, volunteers’ personal development, contribution towards the project, impact created and results achieved, learning from the intercultural experience and preparation of reverse cultural shocks.

This weltwearts program is an opportunity to learn new skills, make different experience, understand the lifestyle, culture, etc.  It is also an equal opportunity for FSL staffs to learn with volunteer while facilitating them. The volunteers have set up personal and project goals during the first quarterly evaluation. The facilitators has presented impact study report which is prepared/observed by the project contact person. The presentation was helped volunteers to know their contribution and the feedback of CP on their work. After this presentation all the volunteers felt very happy and emotionally touched by their work which was appreciated by the project.

As this program is funded by the German ministry volunteer are requested not to forget the aim set up by BMZ. In recognition of volunteer’s contribution to the FSL India’s project and for the remarkable work, the Coordinators honored volunteers with certificate and memento.

One of the comment by participant Tom is: “I am very happy what I did in the project. I didn’t expected too much in the beginning, I could achieve more”.

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