A Tree With Your Name-In India.
Hi everyone! Support our local community through Trees for India! We are SAP-K team (Sustainable Agriculture Project- Kundapur) and this time we are here to ask you for a bit of support.
We are launching our new project called ‘Trees for India’, which aims to get some fundraising for our HBP projects (Home Based Projects: tent school, environmental education, Sustainable Agriculture and Sea Turtle Conservation) as well as to implement different components of Sustainable Agriculture in the local community for their own benefit. The implementation will take place in local houses, government schools or kindergartens, near our Training Center in Shetrakatte, Kundapur.
The idea is to provide them with these components, which will be helping them in many different ways, for example:
- Fruit plant: the fruits they grow can be used for the own consumption of the family members of that house or of the children in the kindergarten in juice or fruit pieces. If their harvesting is too much, it can be even used it for income generation for the family selling it in the market, for instance.
- Jasmine cultivation: all Hindu families in this area have a temple room in their house in which gods are decorated with jasmine flowers every morning and evening during pooja (prayer). In addition, women put some jasmine in their hair very often. Having jasmine plants at home would mean being able to grow the flowers on their own and, again, if the production is high enough, they can even sell them and get some income for their household.
- Pipe compost: in this area there is no way of waste segregation, which means waste is thrown away anywhere. Through having pipe composting at home and after teaching them the difference between organics and inorganics they would be able to segregate their own waste and create organic and free compost out of their own organic waste. It will benefit not only that individual house but also the cleanliness and hygienic levels of the entire community.
- Kitchen garden: if we get them to maintain a humble kitchen garden at home, they will be able to produce some basic vegetables at least seasonally.
In this project, however launched by SAP-K (Sustainable Agriculture Project- Kundapur), the objectives are not only agricultural ones but also empowerment of the local community. For example, local women who do not go for work out of home could engage in gardening activities and have some different task during the day apart from cleaning and washing!If you wanna support us, please send email to fsltreesforindia@gmail.com and we will let you know how to do it. Supporting our HBP projects you will be helping the local community, our work with street children, the nutrition of a family, the biodiversity protection of this area or the well being of many local kids. If you cannot do it economically, at least share this among your family and friends!
Here you have some examples of how your money would reflect on the community:
- 5 euros: fruit plant
- 10 euros: jasmine cultivation
- 15 euros: pipe composting
- 20 euros: kitchen garden with pipe compost
- 25 euros: jasmine cultivation with pipe compost