Keep Lalbagh Clean

Keep Lalbagh Clean

The “Keep Lalbagh Clean” Initiative is a public project handled by the Youth Development Programme of FSL, that aims at Promoting Environmental sustainability and raising public awareness for the botanical gardens of Lalbagh. The project is aimed at all those who visit it during key events like the flower show during Independence Day or Republic Day.


The project hopes to provide campaigning actions to the different local groups of volunteers it wants to support and develop the concept. The idea is to bring the focus of attention to all those who can make a difference to this cause here.

We have had 3  events covered so far on July 14th 2013, Aug 15th 2013 and  Jan 26th 2014. It’s been a growing event so far. Starting with 44 participants to around 100 participants in 2013 and a total of 250 participants in January 2014. During this time we collected a total of about 5000 litres of trash and our message was heard by (a conservative estimate) of about 4.75 lakh people.

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This Jan 26th,  we would like to bring more of a challenge to our volunteers and develop a strategy to reach out to more people not just in Environment Sustainability but also in appreciating that, what Lalbagh provides, a nurturing environment for young minds.

We at the YDP are eager to work with you at Lalbagh and would like to meet you to discuss what you would like us to do next and share with you some of the ideas that we have in mind for the next flower show.

The YDP’s organising team is hoping to cover lalbagh in hope to reach out to people to increase sustainability awareness.

Front Desk

At the front desk we would be within Lalbagh’s flower show perimeter. Here we would be recruiting visitors to the flower show to be volunteers on site. Signing them up and sending them to Assembly points.

Assembly points

Participants are sent here from the front desk. Assembly points are regions where Participants can be counselled by the Organising team about cleaning up Lalbagh. Once gathered in numbers an organising team member starts the march in one of a few pre-determined routes, cleaning lalbagh.

Assembly points are where participants collect their garbage bags and bring it back to once full.


A large piece of Tapestry at least one of the entrances would allow everyone clear visibility of the theme of Public Awareness program. The Tapestry allows people to engage in contributing to a larger art piece. The idea is to visually express what small contributions from several people could look like on a larger scale.

Support for  the Plastic Free Zone:

A plastic free zone for Lalbagh would be supported by the YDP. For the plastic bags, Outside the gates we’d be providing alternatives to visitors such as a Paper bags for free. This would allow far less non-recyclable litter in the park.


Garbage collectors with gloves and tools get together walking down several pre-determined routes picking up garbage that they can find, coming back when they have a full bag of garbage.
Volunteer routes will be guided by the discretion of the Lalbagh authorities and will be running on pre-determined routes. Volunteers will be identified with a ribbon identifier. There should be no interference with the site of the flower show and it’s most densely populated regions.

Catch up with us at Lalbagh Garden!

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