“India is a country of rich culture and unity in diversity”

“India is a country of rich culture and unity in diversity”

Three words: “I’m sorry”, “I love you”, “thank you”, are the maxim of Hawaiian philosophy baptized as ho’ponopono. And these words also be the same which we could to summarize our project at Chetana Trust. From August 29th that we landed in India until September 19th we cannot feel more grateful for the welcome, for the kindness, for the hospitality, for making us feel like one of them.

Living the experience with a local family contributes to a total immersion in their culture, despite the different customs that could separate us.

At Chetana Trust in Mysore, we have been working with children with special needs, teaching English, Maths, Geography and sharing much-needed childhood playtime with them.

Neither the language (up to 24 different languages are spoken in India), nor the time changes between continents, nor the 8 different religions that coexist here in harmony, have defeated us in the aim of enjoying the experience.

We have tried to be useful, respecting their customs and with the experience of these 3 weeks we can only say: “thank you India, thank you to Chetana Trust, thank you FSL, thank you AIPC Pandora. We love that you have made us feel here. We have definitely vibrated with your energy.

By Maria Teresa and Cova Donga (AIPC Spain – FSL India Volunteers)

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