100th Monkey Program Pilot Phase 1, Pennalur Government Middle School – Sandhiya G, Coordinator, FSL-India

100th Monkey Program Pilot Phase 1, Pennalur Government Middle School – Sandhiya G, Coordinator, FSL-India

Pennalur Government Middle School in Kancheepuram district was chosen as one of the schools to conduct the Pilot Phase of 100th Monkey. Previously, FSL-India has worked with the school through our Long Term Volunteering (LTV) program and Hyundai’s Happy Move program. These interventions have resulted in the renovation of classrooms, construction of toilets, setting up kitchen gardens, tree plantation drives etc., to improve the school environment.

I, Sandhiya facilitated the 100th Monkey Pilot phase sessions at Pennalur School for 7-8th Grade students. Initially, the students were very hesitant to open up or mingle with each other. This changed through play! The students were very much interested to learn new things. They were more comfortable with each other. New friendships were formed, more positive communication and fondness extended beyond their gender. Their eagerness and excitement towards the activities and to engage with each other grew with each session.

During the Pilot Phase sessions, the students got several opportunities to express themselves, be creative, reflect on themselves and showcase their talents. The project – “My Perfect World” encouraged them to share their voices towards society and their idea of what a perfect world would look like.

In the short span of 3 months, I conducted 8 weekly sessions of the Pilot Phase, and I’m convinced about the power of using play to develop self-awareness and active citizenship.

The students are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about the next intervention.

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