New flock of Baby chicks in Our Poultry!

New flock of Baby chicks in Our Poultry!

More news coming up from SAP-K … in this case, the team would like everyone to meet the new members of the FSL India Training Centre – 6 baby chicks who were born 1 week ago!

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A year ago, the FSL-India, Training Centre team decided to add poultry activities to their sustainable agriculture project. Many people might not know how these birds and organic farming are connected, but here is some information about it.

First of all, sustainable agriculture aims at self-sufficiency, which means that one should be able to produce everything one needs on a daily basis. For instance, if a farmer wants eggs, he should be able to produce them on his farm instead of going to the market to purchase them. That is one of the reasons to have chickens at FL-India’s organic farm.

Secondly, chickens help to maintain pest control, i.e., when they find too many mosquitoes or ants at one spot, they will go and eat them. Pests are normally controlled with the usage of organic neem oil, but chickens are a good support in this regard.

Thirdly, chickens are always in search of worms and insects buried in the soil. They scratch and remove the soil around plants, which means they help in airing the soil, giving oxygen to it. So, instead of volunteers doing this chore, the chickens are doing it naturally!

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Last but not least, poultry compost is one of the most powerful fertilisers available. Since our chickens are free-ranging, they naturally fertilise the soil!

Apart from all these reasons, chickens are lovely birds to have around, even more so when they are just born!

Hope you found this interesting…the FSL-India, Kundapur team will be back soon with more updates from SAP-K.

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