FSL- A Helpful Guide for Breastfeeding Moms.

FSL- A Helpful Guide for Breastfeeding Moms.

Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to under nutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year. Under nutrition puts children at greater risk of dying from common infections, increases the frequency and severity of such infections, and contributes to delayed recovery.


Poor nutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life can also lead to stunted growth, which is irreversible and associated with impaired cognitive ability and reduced school and work performance. The main reason lack of breast feeding.  According to MDG goal 4 & 5 reduce child mortality and improve maternal health.

For that, as a part of “Anemia control and Hygiene promotion” CSR project of Apollo Tyre,   FSL-INDIA conducted awareness training on Importance of breast feeding to pre and post natal mothers in Mathur, Eraiyur and Vallam Villages. 50 members were participated in this training.


November month they were taught about importance of breast feeding, What are the foods they need to take during pregnancy and what are the foods have to avoid, and how to feed the child. Different positions were taught to mothers. These includes,


  1. The Cross Cradle
  2. Side-Lying Position
  3. The Football Hold
  4. Bottle feeding Basics

Mothers were taught about before feed a child how to prepare physically and mentally. Some of the things mothers should not do during pregnancy. Like, 1. Should Not Take Prescription Drugs or Over the Counter (OTC) drugs, Including Aspirin, Unless Told to Do So by Your Doctor, 2. Should Avoid Contact with Reptiles  3. Should Avoid Tick Bites 4. Should Not Eat Junk Food 5. Should Not Expose Yourself to Pesticides 6. Should Avoid Fumes from Paint, Paint Thinner, Household Cleaning Products and so on 7. Should Avoid Raising Your Body Temperature. Breast feeding is not a activity or choice. It is a responsibility. It is fully related with child and mother psychology. If mothers are  in any confusion, strife and problems, that will be affected to child. Mothers were taught, after delivery what kind of foods should take and should not take.

Mothers are very happy to received these information.



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