Ecoclub Meeting at Kundapur

Ecoclub Meeting at Kundapur

14“Change your mind” was the title and topic of a skit which the International volunteers and staff of the homebased ecoclub project of FSL India performed during an ecoclub meeting in Kundapur. The meeting was organised by the Flora and Fauna Club Kundapur and attended by about 200 students from the 8th to 10th standards of Kundapura High Schools. The children got a lot of information about the wildlife in the Western Ghats.The main character of the play was a very selfish person who didn’t care about anything but himself. Without hesistating he polluted the environment and didn’t care for the living species. But his mind completely changed when he got to know about the consequences of climate change. He nearly died through a natural catastrophe and he only survived because he was rescued by some dolphins. The skit could show the children that the changing climate is a universal problem which concerns all of us and therefore needs urgent attention.

We can already see the 22consequenses of the Climate Change such as more climatic catastrophes. Even if the governments and big companies have the power to diminish the emissions of greenhouse gases, everyone should be aware of this. The main character completely changed his mind. We hope that the responsible persons all over the world will also change their minds.

31Among the public it is very important to create awareness even through small events like the Eco-club meeting. Every participant and the audience had at least a lot of fun joining this event. International volunteers of FSL India such as Caro, Lisa, Venus, Arther, Morten, Mia, Maria, and the staff members such as Basavraj, Steffi, Manjula, Manjunath, and Shalini participated in skit. As a token of appreciation, Dr. Malli, the organizer presented a memento to the volunteers and staff of FSL India.

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